Issue 02 | Grow

February 2020

It was very hard finding contributors for this issue. But still, Allah showed me writers among men who chose to work with RQ while we’re a small name with neither money nor fame . I am so grateful to all the writers who volunteered their voices to this noble mission; and am immensely proud of the budding writers who wrote despite their crippling self doubt as newbie writers, and especially despite their woeful exam periods.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading their pieces and hope you, dear readers, shall too.

 – Editorial, Issue 02


On Growth - Creative Nonfiction

By Afreen Razvi 
Afreen writes about growth of your personality, likening it to the building of a mansion. Her flowing writing brings to light some insight on purposeful growth.


Minimalism: When Less is More - Article

By Jabal Maryam
‘…minimalism is your journey towards growth as a person – someone who cares, empathizes and really lives, in contrast to exists.’
A brilliant take on growth through the lens of minimalism. Especially thought provoking in our times of capitalistic greed.

Growth is Struggle - Article

By Samiya Fatima 
Samiya thoughtfully showcases growth through the perspective of essential struggle. She ends with the perfect example of one of the leading figures in Muslim history, Imam al Bukhair.

Innocent Victims - Short Story

By Rida Ahmed 
What does prejudice look like beyond the dictionary definition and newspaper headlines? Rida skillfully captures how prejudice comes up in our daily lives. The food for thought here is immense as Rida draws with her words an honest looking glass.

He Forgot to Grow - Short Story

By Zimbey 
A lighthearted humorous tale told in a vivid narration that might well be your English teacher’s ultimate pet-peeve: unnecessary adverbs galore. Zimbey’s expressive writing is guaranteed to make you laugh. And if your kid sibling has been bugging you for a good bedtime story, this is your answer.

All that I Chase - Poetry

By Maynerd 
Sometimes we chase fleeting memories of happiness from the past. Maynerd has something to say about that.

A Poison Tree by William Blake - Poetry

(Curated) By Danrah 
An intelligent and informed take on William Blake’s 1794, A Poison Tree. Danrah sights references from the sunnah to derive lessons on the picture painted by the eighteenth century poet.

Weed Out - Art

By La Cabra 
Everything grows. Somethings that grow are better than others. La Cabra’s piece on growing sheds light on the choice of one’s growth, or perhaps, the progression of it.